We are a Bible-believing congregation located in the heart of Mineral Wells, and we would love to invite you to visit our family. With age group ministries, care ministries, worship, and service opportunities, we have something for every individual. Together, we can transform our world with God's Word…one life at a time.
Check our our available adult Sunday School classes by clicking here.
Kingdom Kids (ages Pre-K through 6th grade)- 6:00-7:15pm
WEDNESDAY CONNECT GROUPS - 6:00-7:15pm (seasonal)
YOUTH WORSHIP - 6:30 -8:00 PM
Where DO I Park?
As a guest we want to treat you like one. Therefore, we have guest parking located in the west parking lot which gives our guest an entrance into sanctuary. The west parking lot is located off 5th Avenue.
Where Do I Go?
Upon entering the building, stop by the Guest Table located in the rear (West) foyer of our Sanctuary. There, you can fill out or turn in a guest card and get a small gift from us!
What About Kids?
We offer a place for every age group, and each room is designed to maximize your child's experience and make learning about Jesus fun. While you enjoy a class designed for you, your children will enjoy an experience geared to their learning level. For children ages birth to Kindergarten, we have an automated check-in system. This system ensures that your children are secure and well cared for. Visit the Welcome Center at least 10 minutes before service begins to allow yourself some extra time to register your children. Children ages 1st-6th grade meet in the Education Wing. Please visit the Welcome Center and someone will be happy to assist you with taking your children to the correct room!
What Should I wear?
Come as you are! We want you to feel comfortable when you join us for a worship service. People wear anything from jeans and t-shirts to business casual.
What Should I Expect?
As a guest, you won't be singled out or asked to participate in the offering. We're simply glad you're here and encourage you to discover more about what First Baptist Church has to offer.